The yawn stuck in his throat and Wilfred Ejezie froze like he had just made eye contact with Medusa. Moments earlier, he had been sleeping peacefully only to be rudely awakened, the noise and footsteps that pulled him from slumber came from within the compound he shared with other tenants. It was not the regularContinue reading “CROSSFIRED WILFRED I”


I hope you enjoyed Kenny’s Conundrum. I had no intention of including an ‘explanatory’ note. However, due to some of the responses I have received since I posted the story, I have decided to include this note as a ‘chaperon’ for readers. Apparently my thinly veiled effort at addressing a social issue has not beenContinue reading “ADDITIONAL NOTES”


“Target in sight, roll in!” A voice whispered harshly in the dark. Soon a motor boat appeared on the river bank. Three men jumped into the knee length water and waded to dry ground. They dragged a rope and a ‘tiger’ generator with them. With the boat secured, one of them activated the ‘tiger’ generator.Continue reading “KENNY’S CONUNDRUM I”


What the police and hotel security saw when they entered the hotel room was a naked girl covered in cuts and bruises and blood. “He raped me, he raped me! Please tell him to leave me alone”. Vivian kept mumbling. Chima was arrested and detained at Area F Police Command Ikeja, Vivian was taken toContinue reading “CHIMA’S MEDICINE III”


The night of the toad turned out to be a night of sweet dreams. In the dream, Chima Okafor was the owner of a conglomerate with various interests, in short he was very rich. If he had known what was in store for him the next day, he probably would have kept vigil and prayedContinue reading “CHIMA’S MEDICINE II”


I apologise for taking too long to post, I’ve not been feeling too well the last couple of days. SMOKED FISH (pt.2) “Is it fresh?” The woman asked disdainfully as she took in Arit’s tired look. “noooo! Its rotten!” Arit John wanted to say but “yes Ma” was the natural response as she set theContinue reading “SMOKED FISH (pt.2)”